27th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery

EACMFS Rome 2024 - Research Competition: Young Scientist Award

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We are delighted to announce the EACMFS Research Competition: Young Scientist Award, to be held on Tuesday September 17th from 16:30h to 18:30h in Room n. 7 during the EACMFS Congress Rome 2024. This is a kick-off initiative aiming to spread the passion for research between young scientists to foster collaboration between different institutions within Europe.

This will be achieved by issuing a research competition in which the most influential and passionate researchers across Europe send their abstract. A jury composed by the promoters of this initiative (Prof. Robiony, Prof. Bergé, Dr. Tel, Dr. Vinayahalingam) will examine the best abstract to be presented in a public session at the EACMFS congress. With the partnership of KLS Martin, the best three papers will be awarded with a prize respectively of 5000€, 3000€ and 1000€.

Candidates include young researchers both in training or specialists below the age of 40 and having spent the last two years of work in an European institution. Abstracts must not exceed 300 words, and should represent highly innovative contributions for maxillofacial surgery. Examples of the ideal topics include artificial intelligence, 3D printing and VSP (innovative applications), generative design, bioprinting and regenerative medicine, augmented reality, robotics, cancer molecular and immunobiology, nanotechnologies. Papers should ideally have a clinical relevance or, if they illustrate pure research experiences, at least their potential in terms of clinical benefits should be foreseeable and tangible.
Candidates must be registered at the 27th EACMFS Congress

The submission platform opens on June 25th and closes on July 15th. The objective is to create an inclusive occasion to bring together the leading minds of maxillofacial surgery researchers and foster the creation of a European research network for young maxillofacial surgeons.

During the challenge, there will also be the presentation of the European 3D Printing in hospitals Special Interest Group (EU3DSIG), which is internationally and tirelessly advancing knowledge and possibilities for the implementation of 3D technologies in modern hospitals, an indispensable resource for the practice of contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery.